Friday, February 27, 2015

9 months!!!

Our little guy turned 9 months old on Valentine's Day!!! This means that in three months he is going to be ONE YEARS OLD....doesn't seem possible :(

He is doing great! He is generally such a happy easy baby boy! He had his 9 month appt the other day and his stats are:

20lbs 5oz
27 3/4 inches

42nd percentile for weight and 27th percentile for height

He has 6 teeth!

Samantha is wonderful :) She is turning 3 next week so we have been busy preparing for her party! She is very excited about her Paw Patrol party :)


Lauren said...

Time is going by too fast, how is he 9 months already?!?! Such a handsome little man! Have fun with Sam's party, I can't wait to hear about it she's gonna have such a blast!

Rebecca said...

Wow 9 mos!

Good Timing said...

Don't say one year already?! How!!! :) I love his cheeky little grin. What a monkey. Glad he's doing so well, he's a healthy guy! And too funny you mention Paw Patrol for Sam's bday bc M LOVES that show too! How fun. Ps. How are we going to have three year olds!?