Friday, September 28, 2012

A Weird Place

Hi everyone. I know, I've been MIA for awhile. It's just, I've been in what I guess I could call a weird place lately. Not depressed (maybe just a little bit of a funk!) or anything just really tired, overwhelmed and stressed. And of course my sweet little girl takes up a great deal of my time (which I love) so by the time I have a moment to blog, I decide to sleep or job search online. That leads me to the first stressor, a job. Money is tight. Money is REALLY tight right now. It has been for the past year. The rocky pregnancy and Sam's early arrival/extended maternity leave has really done a number on our wallets. Or wallet (singular) as Matt is the only one working right now.  It's tough. Returning to my old job just didn't work like we had planned. So I spent most nights after Samantha goes to bed, searching online for jobs. I did get an interview with one company that I thought would be a great fit for me, but I didn't end up getting the job. Not really shocked by that because they sent me home with this writing test, that I know I totally bombed! However, this was probably a blessing in disguise because the company is thinking of moving north of us and that commute would have been horrible for me. And by the time I got home, Sam would be in bed. So in the end it wasn't as great as I thought it might be. Plus, the pay wasn't great at all for what the position demanded. I'm trying to step outside of the box and head down a different career path. I've been a preschool teacher for so long. And I am good at it. I do enjoy it. However, the pay is very very sad. But lately, I am thinking of heading back to that for awhile because at least I could have Sam with me...

We toured a daycare for Sam the other day. It was clean and nice, but Sam cried the wholeeeeeeeeeeeee time :( Broke my heart and we weren't even leaving her there! ha! I was half-listening to what the director was telling me but all I really wanted to to was book it out of there!! Right now, Sam has been having a lot of stranger anxiety. And I know eventually that will fade and when we do have to put her in daycare, I know eventually (keyword is "eventually") will be fine :) That night after we toured the daycare I just rocked her to sleep and cried thinking about how I am ever going to leave her.

But I know I need to work. As much as I would like to continue to be home with her, I just can't. We need two incomes. I want to be able to give her a good life. I want to be able to go on family vacations and not have to worry every day about money! And we want to send her to college! Sooooo many things we want for her. And with just one income, we can't do that.

Sam is getting much better, but still can be a very fussy baby. I am so exhausted every day. But I LOVE the time have with my girl :) She's my little buddy. She's teething too, which has been a challenge. And just today had her 6 mths shots! She actually didn't cry that much (we were surprised!) however this evening she's been super cranky :( Her little legs are probably sore even with the Tylenol! We just love her so much though. Tonight as I was rocking her before bed I said " Thank you God so much for this gift." Might sound cheesy, but I said it...and then I cried! I've been SUPER emotional lately! Nooo, I am not pregnant haha

So yeah I feel like I am in a weird place. I'm (temporarily) a SAHM, but on the job hunt! It's a weird place because I feel I can't embrace one or the other! It's just overwhelming. I know this sounds strange but if I knew I could just be home with her, then I would be a much better SAHM than I am right now. I would take her more places, do more activities, plan things, etc. But I feel like I am so mentally and physically drained looking for a job that I can't completely focus on just her. When I am home with her and playing, I'm thinking of jobs and if I'll get called for an interview, will it work out, etc. And then when I'm job searching and writing cover letters and what not, I'm thinking about Sam and would this job work with her, where will she go to daycare, could we afford daycare with this job's salary etc.

I've thought about taking kids in, that way I could make some money and still have Sam nearby. However, I just don't think at Sam's age right now that would work. She is pretty demanding on her own, and if I had only kids to look after as well I feel like I wouldn't be giving my all to them.

All I can do is take it one day at a time. And try not to lose my mind and get stressed out about things right now! At the beginning of November we are taking Sam to Boston to have her Hemangioma checked out by one of the best specialists in the country. At her ped appt today, the doctor agreed with me that it has definitely gotten larger. This coming Tuesday she is also having an ultrasound done of her brain, stomach and the hemangioma.

Despite all the stress, I am so excited that Fall is here! Can't wait to take Sam apple picking! And all the great holidays are coming up! As well as her Baptism in November! Lots to look forward too :)

So, please excuse my absence. I try to still read and comment as much as a can, but I have not been feeling up to blogging much lately! Today, I actually got a little nap in which is very rare. And when I came out of the bedroom this is what I found....

Love my loves.

It was rainy and cold here today. Perfect day for a nap!!


Neamorfnost said...

I know exactly how you feel!I spent days searching for jobs and was lucky enough to get one last week. Taking my baby to daycare breaks my heart every morning. They say it will take him about two weeks to get used but i just dont know how long it will take me.
Good luck with the job hunt!

Amber said...

I feel like I'm in the same place as you mentally. It all hit me this week that I can't possibly take care of 2 kids and my house and our vet clinic and myself. I give about 5% to everything it feels like and that just isn't good enough.

I hope everything gets easier for you soon!!!

Rebecca said...

I can only imagine how you feel.

justagirl-Krista said...

I go back to work in 4 weeks and it too breaks my heart everyday thinking about someone other than family will be watching him. I found someone in the neighborhood and it's only part time but it still make me want to cry just thinking about it. I keep telling myself lots of women do it. I just don't know how.

Lauren said...

Sorry you going through a tough time with looking for work and worrying about daycare :( As tough as it is to see her stranger anxiety you must be reassured by having worked at daycare centers before, and see kids who used to scream now love it there. You remember how Ava was at that age, and even she got over it! I'm sure you and M and Sam will figure out the right place for you and find a good balance for your family even though it's so stressful right now.

If you do reconsider the taking on other kids at home I think you would be surprised by how well Sam might do, I find in my house it only takes one "outside" child to entertain my kiddos all day, so maybe a buddy (buddies) would help her out. When I watch my friends kids while they're at work I feel as if they're doing me the favor. Thinking of you while you figure this out <3

ADSchill said...

Ugh, the whole work/childcare thing is the most stressful thing I think we have to deal with. I am not looking forward to making that work. But...we will and Sam will be okay. It will be an adjustment for all, but I'm sure you will make it work.

Good Timing said...

Ughhhhh! This post makes me so sad and frustrated for you! In Canada we are lucky enough to receive a portion of our income from the govt while on mat leave. Clearly you should just move here?? Good luck with tithe job hint. You're fabulous so I know you'll get something! And I don't blame you for not wanting to do preschool/daycare. I taught in a daycare for a few months and it was so hard and I was sick all the time. My fingers are crossed for you that this will all work put quickly! :) I'm typing this one handed whole nursing so forgive the typos! ;)

Candice said...

I know just what you mean about the job hunt/SAHM crises - when I moved here and was a SAHGF whilst looking for a job, I was terrible! I struggled with keeping a nice home, because I was so stressed knowing I needed a job.
Now I work, in a job I hate and wish I could SAH, but it's just not an option for me for a long while. Ugh. Life.

Samantha said...

I'm sorry things are difficult for you right now. Big hugs!

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry to hear your in a bit of a down place, and I totally understand the stress of money. I really hope you find something that works out perfectly for your family, whether it be a part time job, or full time job, find the best daycare for Sam, and get a good balance going. The stranger anxiety is hard, and we've dealt with it too, but I think it's harder on the parents b/c most of the time as soon as you leave, the kids are just fine. I'll be thinking about you and wishing you good luck with it all!

Shannon said...

Sending you good vibes girl. Keep that chin up!

Natalie and Lee said...

I go back in 3 weeks:( I've already cried several times... Good Luck on the job hunt, you will find something perfect!