Tuesday, January 8, 2013

10 Months!

Sweet Baby Jesus, how is it that my princess is 10 months old!!?? Someone, please explain it to me....

Samantha's likes...

-Food (Pureed peas, blueberries, pears, yogurt and sweet potatoes. Those Mum-mum rice husks, yogurt melts and her new favorite cheerios!
-Any toy that lights up and sings. She's a big fan of her ball popper and this stroller flower toy that she has.
-She loves to jump/bounce.
-She's going to crawl any day now! She's been scooting herself everywhere (backwards)  and we can tell she just wants to get MOVING. Uh oh...bring on the baby proofing...
-She loves being outside! Even the cold air she likes! I think I have a future "outdoors" girl on my hands! Which is great :)
-She really is a very happy smiley baby, except sometimes she'll get shy and quiet around new people or large groups. Usually takes her a little bit to warm up. She can definitely break out the "diva" expressions wants to!
-Loves bath time! Which I really need to up the experience for her with some new bath toys and such!
-Still loves her Elmo! But the love isn't as intense as it once was!
-She enjoys Mommy singing silly songs to her and dancing! And being up on Daddy's shoulders!
-No real words yet. But A LOT of babbling/"talking" going on! She was SO loud in church the other day :)
-Still just the 5 teeth!
-Takes 6-7 oz bottles about 5 times a day. Twice a day she eats solids.
-She weighs 15.8 pounds and is 25 3/4 inches short long! Still our little peanut!

Samantha's dislikes:


Still a work in progress. We started a new routine a few days ago so hopefully in a few weeks we might see a difference. Basically I am not rocking her with her nighttime bottle, only patting her back to sleep when she wakes in the night (which is tough because it doesn't always work!) and we are trying to get her attached to a lovie. Light music instead of Sleep Sheep. We also our trying a little bit later bedtime. She still takes a middle of the night bottle. In a nutshell, Mommy is VERY tired! But I know this too shall pass and someday we will all sleep. Maybe...

What's coming up:

-Her surgery on the 24th :( I'm in denial about I think...
-Planning her 1st Birthday party!! Also, in denial about it...
-Might start "swimming lessons" in March! Am I going to have to get into a bathing suit? Uh, yikes.

Here are her 10 month photos! I did a theme using the "Ten in a bed" nursery rhyme...


Rebecca said...

i hope the surgery goes well.

Good Timing said...

I love these updates!! How are our babies getting so big?! I was going to do a post about first birthdays and ask what people do or did. I hope the sleep starts getting better for you soon. Mama needs sleep!! Keep trying, something has to give. Good luck with the surgery, Sam is a trooper and she will do great I'm sure! :) and your monthly pics are so cute and creative! I feel like I should do a good one for nine months! But what? Ok, done comment hogging.... Maybe I should've emailed lol?!

Amber said...

I loved swim classes and didn't even notice the other moms in suits because the babies are the whole focus! Yeah for crawling. I thought mobility was so much fun and it made paisley happier. I also think her better sleep started when she started moving. So good luck there! I need some rest around here too, so I'm trying to talk Graham into that. :)

Lauren said...

Those pictures of her are fantastic!! She is so adorable! Sounds looks and sounds like such a happy baby!! Now if she would just sleep for ya :)

Stephanie said...

Ahh she is just so stinkin' cute! Double digits already? It doesn't seem possible! Chloe really enjoyed her swim classes, but unfortunately at least one of you will need to get in a suit. :( Don't worry, everyone will be staring at all the cute babes anyway. Happy 10 months S!

Gurlee said...

She is lovely! Such a little cutie. I can relate on the sleep, I keep telling myself it will get better.

Good luck on the upcoming surgery.

Our Journey Through This Lovely Life said...

She is ADORABLE!!! Good luck on the surgery!!