Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Period Prayer

Today I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital and then the pre-op consult with my doctor at the RE's office. I learned all about the good the bad and the ugly this operation has to offer. Frankly, Im terrified to know that a machine will be breathing for me during the surgery. This seems to be creeping me out the most. But a big concern for me today was to find out whether or not this surgery will even happen next tuesday. I haven't gotten my period yet. And that's a big deal. It's late. And not late for any wonderful reason (aka baby). Trust me, I tested. Basically the doctor said that he can't do the surgery if I have a heavy flow. If it's just spotting, then yes. And if it hasnt arrived at all yet by tuesday, he can still do it. I have some cramping going on tonight, so Im hoping it arrives full force tomorrow. That way by tuesday it should be pretty much done. So right now Im in limbo. They wont cancel the surgery until tuesday morning when they know what they are dealing with. So, please any period prayers would be FANTASTIC!! Funny how I never want my period to arrive and now I really need it to!!! That's life. Just wanted to update you all. Sorry for the lack of interesting posts and comments. Operation AF has consumed me :) I just want to thank my wonderful mom for coming with me today!! I am totally a mama's girl. She's been so supportive. Love you mom!


Anonymous said...

Blah......where is it then!!!! Lets get the show on the road :)
Yes, it is weird to think you aren't breathing for yourself, but think of it as taking a little (big) break for a bit! Hoping it all goes as scheduled still.

Baby Hopes said...

Praying things move forward as scheduled!

Emily said...

1. Period prayer said

2. Thanks for the sweet comment on my post! I totally smiled ear to ear!

Moe said...

Never thought I'd say this to you...but I'm really really hoping you get your period like NOW. :)

If only there was a pill we could take for that....there's one for everything else!

RMCarter said...

Praying for your period! Why does she never arrive when we want her to??? :-/

Liz said...

Hoping she makes her grand appearance tomorrow and that everything can go as planned. AF is such a bitch sometimes!

Faith said...

Damn AF, she really doesn't know her place, does she?! I'll keep my fingers crossed for her to arrive tomorrow! OR for a miraculous BFP in the next few days - even better:)!

cdg said...

ugh, as if you needed more stress!! hoping that everything works out with the schedule, hang in there.