Friday, November 11, 2011

I dislike co-pays

Nothing like paying someone $30.00 to tell you what you already know. Blahhh....

We have pretty good medical coverage, but for every single doctor visit we have to pay $30.00. And that adds up when you are sometimes visiting the doctor 2-3 times a week. It was really awful during fertility treatments where we were having to pay $30 every other day for monitoring. Oh well. Had to be done, but it just really sucks to have to dish out that much money.

I just got back from the GI doctor and basically they can't really do much for me while I'm pregnant. All I can do is increase my fluid and fiber intake. Use heating pads. All things I have been trying to do. He said that with the previous GI issues it is possible for me to experience pain like that. They want me to have a small bowel series done after the baby is born. I didn't expect the doctor to hand me a miracle pill, but it's a bummer that I just have to "deal" with it if the pain comes back again. The good news is that my blood pressure was down today! 122/74 today when it was around 144 /93 earlier in the week! So I was happy about that. Although, I could feel my heart racing and the nurse said my heart rate was 88 bpm. Which I didn't really believe, because it felt much faster and my heart rate is usually in the 90's to 100. Related to thyroid issues I believe.

Next appt: Monday at the OB for a blood pressure check! Got my tent and marshmallows ready :)

p.s. I think I'm starting to experience heartburn for the first time. Never had it before. But yesterday and today I've been feeling this like burning feeling in my esophagus? Heartburn I guess. And how could I forget...

Happy Veteran's Day! Thank you to all our military. And thank you to their families who sacrifice and serve as well!


Jos said...

Copays definitely suck, but try to be thankful that you have good insurance overall. I pay out the ass for mine, and when we were doing the monitoring for our IUI, we were still spending $500/day because neither the ultrasound nor blood work was covered. Ouch.

Sucky about the GI stuff - no fun. Heartburn isn't either! Don't even bother with Tums - they barely help and only for a few minutes. Pepcid is the only thing I've found that truly helps!

Liz said...

I have awful awful awful "throat burn" in the afternoons & evenings and 3 Tums take away about 75% of the discomfort. I am anti medication at almost all costs (while pregnant) so I don't feel it is worth trying anything else in my case. Plus the tums give you a little extra calcium which is always good.

Hopefully you abdominl pain doesn't return and your pressure stays down. Enjoy the weekend!

Baby Hopes said...

I'm so sorry you're having so much pain! GI issues are the worst for sure. I do think that they're related to thyroid issues, and my GI doctor, surgeon, and thyroid specialist all suggested it. Hoping things become and stay manageable...

Marissa said...

I hate copays too. Especially when seeking 2nd opinions. It's like...shouldn't all visits for "hurt stomach" or "small baby" count as the same thing, so just one copay? Getting multiple opinions is the responsible thing to do, so why discourage us? Bah.