Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Still sick over here. I think I am getting a little bit better, but still down for the count. Hopefully, these antibiotics will step up their game!!

I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately. I'm feeling anxious and just want to have the nursery set up already. Yes, I'm one of those people who need to have everything finished and in it's place to feel like I'm prepared. Yes, I know, I really don't need much when the baby first gets here. But I need to nest. I need to have everything ready. It will just bring me some kind of peace knowing that everything is set up and ready to go. Plus, I have been dreaming about a nursery for YEARS. So, now that my time has finally come, I'm just not cool with a bassinet, a pack of diapers and a few onesies. I want a beautiful space to bring her home to. Our main roadblock with having all this done is money of course. I know I just need to make a list and slowly get it checked off. Our first thing to do is to get the bedding or a piece of the bedding in our hands so we can go pick paint colors that will match. I want to have the room painted before we start setting anything up.

It kind of reminds me of planning a wedding in a way except in the end you are bringing home a human being for the next 18 + years.You think of all the things that need to be done and your mind starts spinning, but in the end everything works out and it's a beautiful event! I know that we'll get everything ready for the baby. And I know we have four months to go, but I want to be extra prepared in case this baby comes earlier. I want to spend the last month or so of my pregnancy relaxed and enjoying every moment. I want to go sit in her room and flip through her books and look through all the cute things in her closet :)

Just to be clear, I'm not complaining about feeling overwhelmed. I know I am very lucky to be even having these things to be overwhelmed about. Just needed to blog it out :)


Kristen said...

Ahhhh! I have butterflies over all the excitement this post brings me! The nursery!! It's going to be beautiful and I know you... you are going to have the most PERFECT nursery ever. Just like your amazing card buying skills, you will have all of the most perfect items in Samantha's nursery - just like the lamp! I can't wait to see the finished product and PLEASE PLEASE let me know if there is anything I can do to help!!! I'm there!

Chon said...

oh snap honey!! I am the same. I have been dreaming of a nursery for soooooo long that the idea of now finally being able to do one is honestly making me pee with excitement. I swear the majority of us infertiles are type a personalities hence the need to nest. Feeling sick will do that to you though so deep breaths and look at some baby blogs and magazine and then think about all the ways you can do it on the cheap!!

Jenny said...

I hear ya. I just went back to double check...and Abbey's nursery was all done by early April...about 2 months before I was due...But we actually bought all the furniture months before that...we just had to wait until DH had some time off for him to paint and do the "handywork". It's really fun...I spent a lot of time google nurseries and creating an image in my mind of what I wanted...if it was around when i was preggers I soooo would have a whole pinboard on pinterest of the nursery ideas lol

Faith said...

I totally understand - I had Jackson's nursery months before I even knew he existed:). And then, with Addy, I couldn't set up a nursery because our house was too small and we knew we'd move before she was in her crib - but I still washed all her clothes, set up her cubbies, organized them, etc. I just HAD to have it done to feel's normal:).

Marissa said...

We're waiting to do most of it until after my shower (sounds horrible, but we too face money concerns...).

But we're going to buy mattresses for the cribs this weekend. We figure no one will give us those (where's the fun in giving a mattress?), and that way, we'll at least have a sleep-place for them.

We (and by we I do mean my husband) painted well over a month ago though...

Bridget said...

I was the same way- I needed to have everything done before the baby came!

Rebecca said...

Setting up the nursery early sounds sensible for several reasons. First of all you'll be prepared if she does come early. Second you'll have a peaceful spot until she does arrive so that you can rest and relax, a stress free area.

Anonymous said...

I could have written this post myself! I am feeling the exact same and just keep freaking about only 10 more week until my due date!

Tia said...

so exciting!!! i found your blog randomly and wanted to say hello and best wishes in 2012