Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Someone please, throw me a bone.

I spent Tuesday in the ER. My symptoms just got worse and I was beside myself. I gave up trying to fight it and decided it was time to go the ER. I probably should have went much sooner. Matt was up North for work, so I called my mom in tears, just wanting to get to the bottom of all this. So, she came to get me and we headed to the ER. Turns out, they think I have a parasite. A PARASITE!!! No I have not been in any jungles recently. That's the first thing you think of when you hear of someone contracting a parasite, " What funky country did they just return from?" But apparently you can get it from anywhere or from anything. My final lab results won't be ready until tomorrow, but they are pretty sure it's a parasite. I had bands in my bloodwork that were consistent with something parasitic. My heartrate and temperature were up, along with the lovely GI bleeding. I have to see a GI doctor after all this is over, because there's a chance I could have Crohn's Disease too. It runs in my family. So, I'm about to start two different antibiotics that will hopefully make me better! I'm also out of work this week because of all this, which is something that I can't afford. But I know my health is the most important thing.

This week wasn't supposed to turn out this way. Before all this sickness started, my focus was on how this cycle was going to turn out come Monday, with my bloodtest. I was hopeful and thinking positively that we may get some good news. But yesterday, when I learned this is probably a parasite, my heart sank. Because what good could a parasite do for a possible baby?? I just know that it might negatively effect how things are "working" inside me. I did explain to the dr and nurse at the ER, that I did just finish a cycle with fertility meds. So, Im sure they tested for that in my bloodwork. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. I really didn't want to know. It's still very early, but I was a little heartbroken that they didn't come running back in the room saying, " You're HCG levels are elevated, congratulations!" Nope. But again, I know. Still early. I had to call my RE to check to see if the two antibiotics I have to take, would be ok with being "possibly" pregnant. One of them is ok, the other one is "iffy". Meaning it's been tested but hasn't been confirmed whether it's bad for a pregnancy or not. Either way, I have to take them. I have to get better. When I called and spoke to the nurse, I had explained to her that I had called twice this past week about how sick I've been and how I thought it was the progesterone. She said, " Oh yeah!" remembering I guess. I could just picture them, putting me on hold and saying " Dr. G?! Crazy on line 2 again!" No, they were actually very helpful. But I felt bad for insisting that they did this to me, with the progesterone. But I guess that was normal of me to think, being that it all started the same day I started the progesterone. When I told the nurse that they think I have a parasite, she sort of gasped and said " Did you tell them you could be pregnant!?" Soooo that sort of freaked me out a bit, but she did say any blood test right now is way too early and that even the one I'm doing on Monday is pretty early. That gave me some hope, even if she was trying to talk me off the ledge.

I just hope I start feeling better soon. I constantly have this starving feeling which I can't kick. I can't keep much in my system. It would be nice if I lost a few pounds threw all this!! I just want to thank my wonderful mother for helping me through all this! I seriously don't know what I would have done without her! Any prayers or "bones" for Monday are greatly appreciated. I'm not going to give up yet.

I noticed it's Baby Week on Discovery Health. I guess I like to torture myself. I watched one episode where woman in England, got pregnant but her baby never made it to her uterus. It grew off her intestines! And miraculously survived. And another one where a 55 yr old woman was a surrogate for her daughter and gave birth to triplets! If there's hope for them, there's hope for us!

The title of our baby show would probably be "From Parasite to Pregnancy." People would watch, right? :)


T said...

I would watch!! :O)

That is crazy that it is a parasite, but I guess at least it is good that they finally firgured it out. I hope you get to feeling better soon!

Moe said...

I'm sorry you've had to go through such icky stuff!!! That doesn't sound like a fun week at all. :(

I hope you get some good news on Monday and start to feel better soon!!!!