Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Ok this is really gross to blog about but maybe some of you out there dealt with this too!?

My feet SMELL.

And they never stink! I've never had a problem with smelly feet before. I mean occasionally if I have kept a pair of flip flops forever or something, they start to stink a little. But I mean my feet are ripe right now! And I don't know what's going on! Hormones???

I even started using foot spray in case it was athlete's foot or something. But I don't have any itching or redness, they just stink! It's so frustrating because I shower twice a day usually. I ALWAYS scrub my feet. It's not like I've been neglecting them. So what's up??? I've washed my sneakers...I've purchased new flip flops...and STILL my feet stink....

It's gross. And I want it to go away! I guess it's just something I need to add to my long list of questions for the new OB next week!

I've googled this issue (of course) and it seems other pregnant women have had this issue too. And some say to take a zinc supplement, but isn't zinc already in my prenatal? I guess I'll have to look.

Blood sugar testing is going okay. I'm getting used to it I guess. Yesterday I had good levels! And today so far so good! It is a bit hard though, not to eat what I want when I want. I'm really craving something sweet right now, but I'm trying to get through it. I guess I'm just really focused on keeping these numbers low so I don't have to do insulin! Again, thanks for all your support :)

It's snowing here!!! Our first big (well decent) snowstorm since last October!! So pretty....


Rebecca said...

Maybe do an Epsom salt bath?

Jenny said...

i vaguely remember reading somewhere about soaking in a mixture of vinegar and water...maybe google it to see...

Carlia said...

maybe it's your body trying to prepare your nose for all of the diapers it's going to encounter in the near future. ;)

Jill Dorsey || Made with Moxie said...

The best solution to all that ails you is giving birth. Sad, but so true.

Liz said...

I wonder if it is a hormonal thing maybe???

Mrs. Pancakes said...

good luck with your testing tomorrow! and the stinky feet huh...the husband suggests tea tree oil and epson salt...good luck

K. said...

My feet stunk during pregnancy, too. I doused my feet in vinegar baths every few days, and then every week I would use the Odor Eaters powder and cover my sandal/shoes in it and let it sit overnight. Sometimes I'd scrub the inside of my shoes with a toothbrush.

And then after I was pregnant, I threw out that one pair of shoes I wore most of my pregnancy.