Friday, April 22, 2011

The Easter "Egg" Hunt

I smiled a lot today.

Because at the Easter "Egg" hunt (AKA monitoring appt) this morning, the nurse found two on my left (a 15 and a 12) and one on my right (an 11). I'll take it! The whole appointment was pleasant. And if you've been reading my last few posts, you know I've been having some major issues with one of the nurses. Nurse Awesome came in to do my bloodwork. I was happy to see her, but bummed because I thought for sure the mean nurse was going to follow her. But I was wrong! I got a different nurse for my scan :)I bet the mean nurse didnt want to see me either! But hey, Im totally A-OKAY with that. I cant even tell you how happy I was. I knew for sure that if the mean nurse had come in today to do my scan, I would have ended up flipping out on her. I had visions of me being escorted out in handcuffs. Thankfully, none of that went down :)

The nurse is confident that the IUI will take place on Tuesday!!! She even gave me two extra vials of Bravelle that I need for Sunday night. Thank you! Oh, how Im so hoping to just get to that point. I was so happy and hopeful today, I dont want anything to ruin that!! Maybe, just maybe, this will all work out :) The other RE clinic called me back today and left a message. I think Im going to set up an appt for mid/late May.

I know some of you are interested in hearing about my fertility necklace! :) Tomorrow, I pinky swear. But I realized Wednesday is when I had the bad day and demanded to up the dose of my meds, that afternoon my fertility necklace arrived. And today there was progress at my appt which was great news! All this while wearing my necklace. Coincedence? I dont think so :) But that's just my opinion...

So, tomorrow...a whole post dedicated to my baby makin necklace :)


Amber said...

This sounds like a necklace that if duplicated could make you rich! I'm so glad to hear your appointment went well!!!

L said...

It sounds like good news all around - so glad you didn't have to have the awful nurse - yuck! That would have been a bad start to your weekend.

Lauren said...

So glad to hear it was a good day! A good day has been long overdue, let's hope the necklace brings many many more!

Anonymous said...

Glad the Easter Eggs are coming out and growing!!!