Saturday, September 3, 2011


Through the first trimester!!! Silly, I know. But it makes me happy. Today we are six weeks...

I treated myself to something today. A decaf pumpkin coffee. I have been avoiding caffeine for over a month now, and I didn't even feel right thinking about getting a decaf, but today I did! I love me some pumpkin coffee. I'm safe with decaf right?? I know most doctors say even one cup of caffeine a day is alright. But I don't want to risk that.

I also have a heartbeat question for you girls. Dr. Google (yes, I'm so guilty) says that you should see a heartbeat by 6 weeks?? Is that true? I think my RE said 8 weeks. Our 6wks 3days u/s is on Tuesday, and I'm worried about what we should see? Any thoughts? I just don't want to be devastated or feel hopeless if we don't see one then...


Jos said...

My first u/s was at 6w4d and the doc said there was a good chance that we would NOT see a heartbeat yet at that point. We did see the flicker, but many ppl don't that early. Do NOT worry if you don't see it yet at 6w3d!

ADSchill said...

You may see a flicker but not be able to hear it yet. I wouldn't be surprised.

Neamorfnost said...

If he does an internal ultrasound you will be able to hear the heartbeat already.

Babydreams2011 said...

It will be a transvaginal ultrasound and you may or may not see the hb by then. Some do and some don't. I know girls that didn't get their u/s done until 7wk specifically because they didn't want to chance not seeing it, so don't worry at all if you don't see one by then. Good luck!

Marissa said...

On my u/s at 6w4d, we saw Bitsy's heart at about 119, and it was very hard to see Itsy's and the machine couldn't even locate/record it. My RE estimated it was at about 80bpm by counting the flickers. He also mused that "it probably hadn't been beating very long". I think, had we gone in a day or two earlier, we wouldn't have seen Itsy's heart at all.

And I know that my RE's office doesn't worry about no heartbeat until 8 weeks.

So yeah, you may or may not. But i hope you do!!!

Liz said...

Like everyone else said, maybe but also maybe not. My doctor told me NOT to freak out if we didn't see it but thankfully we did (with both my current pregnancy & my daughter). You will be 6 weeks 3 days by Tuesday so hopefully you will see it! I know I will be thinking of you on Tuesday!

Brittany Ann said...

Just catching up on blogs, and...YAY! You're pregnant! Congrats congrats congrats! I'm so happy for you, and I am praying hard. With Ella, after our loss, I remember every single day of my first trimester I worried and worried and worried. I prayed to puke (and I did...a lot.) I prayed to look pregnant (took a while for that, but it did happen!) I just prayed. Each day is an achievement, and I am so excited for you!

Jenny said...

we didn't see the hb at my 6week u/s and I was devastated because like you google had me convinced this was a bad sign...waiting that week for another scan was by far the worst week of my whole if you don't see try not to worry...

Jamie said...

We went for an ultrasound at 6 weeks, 3 days exactly and saw "cardiac activity" (a little flickering on the screen), and the tech was able to get the heartrate at 124bpm, but she was quick to tell us that many people do not see it and we shouldn't worry if we didn't. Can't wait to hear about your visit!!

Faith said...

Hey Girl, congrats on getting half way through the first tri, lol:)! I also enjoyed pumpkin lattes (decaf of course) when I was preggers:). Decaf is just fine. Once I got into the middle of my 2nd tri I also allowed myself caffeine at times. In fact, coke really helped my nausea so I had that a few times in my first tri now that I think about it.

For my last 2 pregnancies, I saw a heartbeat at 6.5 weeks (no early u/s on my first pregnancy). But they also told me to not worry if I didn't. I can't wait to hear how your appt goes!