Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sooo our first OB appt got moved up...


Sunday night I started having some cramping and pain. I tried to remain calm, as I've been having some digestive issues and I just thought maybe it was that. But after a few hours, I realized it felt different. A little more on the pain side as opposed to discomfort. I wasn't having any bleeding so that was good. I thought maybe I had a UTI? Anyways, I went to bed that night, barely slept from the pain/discomfort and was constantly in the bathroom checking for blood. Monday morning I was on my way to the fertility clinic just to sign some papers. So I called my OB and told them about my situation and they didn't seem that concerned since I wasn't bleeding. They said they didn't have any ultrasound openings that day, and it would be too early to check for a heartbeat on the doppler. But they said they could take me first thing in the morning and to go home and rest, lots of fluids, blah blah blah. The pain continued through the day/night. I wasn't doubled over or anything, just very very uncomfortable with twinges of pain and back pressure.

You better believe I was so scared for this appointment this morning. It's so hard not to think of all that could go wrong when you are having pain issues. I had my family freaking out too. I kept having visions of me leaving the office in tears. But I prayed so hard that everything would be okay with the baby!

And it was :)

The baby is doing great! Heart beat is good and it was even moving around a bit today :) The u/s tech said "this baby has some attitude already." Because every time she'd try to get a good picture the baby would move or hide :) She even started out doing the u/s on my stomach which was cool, because I'm so sick of the dildo cam. And when she let us listen to the heart beat I burst out in tears, just so relieved that it was still going. But then later she had to do an internal ultrasound to check my cervix for anything that might be causing the pain. The hematoma has gotten a lot smaller but is still there.

So, thankfully baby is doing well but they can't pinpoint what's causing the pain. My UTI test came back negative and so they think it's just digestion issues or pregnancy stretching. Also, today I had an appointment with my primary doctor for a check up and had to wait over an hour in the waiting room! It was okay though, he's a nice guy and takes his time with his patients. But good thing I didn't have to be anywhere.

I'm so doctored out. I basically collapsed on the couch when I got home. But I am so happy that our little miracle is doing just fine :) Thank you GOD!

I just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my friend Kristen! She is such a special friend and one of my biggest cheerleaders! Love you! I hope your birthday wish comes true :)


BeckyT said...

So very pleased to hear all is well. I had severe stomach pains when pregnant with one of my sons, only once but it terrified me as I had only just discovered I was pregnant. My Doctor didn't know what was causing it but like you said it could have been stretching and I had a 6 week wait until my 12 week scan before I could begin to get excited seeing he was ok in there. I wish you well in your pregnancy and hope this was a one off occassion.

RMCarter said...

Sounds similar to some pains I had which I believe turned out to be trapped gas. I didn't recognize it because it felt a lot different being pregnant. I had it for almost a week though and it freaked me out the whole time. What ended up working for me was a couple adult doses of gripe water. Totally safe and natural and I was feeling better within a day or so. Just put it in some juice because it tasted gross. Anyway, the pain eased quite quickly after that, and I felt a lot better.

manymanymoons said...

I was holding my breathe reading this. I am so relieved! Lots of deep breaths ok!

Because I'm nosy...who is your doctor?

Moe said...

Girl. You have got to stop scaring me like this!!! You tell that baby that there are way too many people praying for it to be pulling this funny business. (haha I kid I kid).

So glad that everything turned out to be fine. Sorry you're struggling with the pain though!

Kristen said...

Awww, thank you for the birthday shout-out! And whoa! I was terrified reading this post too! Ben was just asking me today how everything was going for you and I told him good, then I started reading this and was terrified! I'm so relieved to hear the baby is doing so well! And I am so excited about this "attitude" - love me some feisty babies! ;o)

OK, love you and keep relaxing and taking lots of deep breathes!!


Beeker's Mom said...

SO glad to hear that everything is okay :)

Jos said...

Ugh, so scary, but I'm so happy that everything is okay with you and baby!

sharyn said...

Funny, isn't it, how they can move mountains and work miracles to get you pregnant, and once you're pregnant the best advice they can give you is to rest and drink a lot of water.

Keep up the good work.

Faith said...

So glad to hear all is well! Phew:)!

Jamie said...

OMG...dildo cam. LOVE THAT!! It's soooo true! Anyway, glad to hear everything was great!:)

Diana said...

Oh my goodness!!! I'm sorry u had a rough few days! But oh so happy everything is ok!! I bet hearing that heartbeat was sooooo magical!! :)

Good Timing said...

Sarah, so glad everything is ok. Yikes I hate feeling scared! I had some cramping on Sunday too but no bleeding or anything like that. I felt good yesterday and today so I think it was partially to do with not drinking enough water, in think that does make a difference. And maybe ligament pain, who knows? Glad all is well!

Ruth said...

SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear that everything is fine with the baby!!! Sorry that they couldn't find just what is causing the pain. I've been having a lot of pain and thought it was from the UTI, but since the test at the RE's came up negative now that I'm on antibiotic, I guess maybe we're in the same boat and it's just normal pregnancy stretching pain.

ADSchill said...

That all sounds like good news! I'm so happy your little one is doing well! I have pain and twinges too, probably from stretching. I also have a hematoma, so I am always on the look out for bleeding, so I feel you.

Jenny said...

I'm glad all is well with LO and that you got to hear the heartbeat :) Sorry to hear you're in pain...sounds like it is round ligament pain...they can be quite painful especially if you bend the wrong way or sleep in a position that is less comfortable. Hope they go away soon.

A m a n d a said...

PHEW! My heart dropped when I first started reading this post. Thank god everything is ok. Yay for moving onto an OB!! Look at you...being so normal ;)

And thank you for your support during my IVF cycle, and for thinking of me during the transfer. You're a great friend xo